ANNEMA x Bravo ai stil
View this post on Instagram A post shared by •ANNEMA• 🩸 (@anamaria.prelipcean) View this post on Instagram A post shared by •ANNEMA• 🩸 (@anamaria.prelipcean) View this post on Instagram A post shared by •ANNEMA• 🩸 (@anamaria.prelipcean)
ANNEMA x JOVSKY STUDIO – Beauty Trends Calendar 2023
„Dincolo de culorile, tunsorile, coafurile și trendurile anului 2023, vrem să subliniem cu toții importanța refresh-ului constant al look-ului, a îngrijirii permanente și a adaptării aspectului nostru la mediu, la luna din calendar și la sezon atât pentru hair-styling și make-up, cât și pentru fashion”, explica Adrian Perjovschi conceptul shooting-show-ului de anunțare a trendurilor. Fiecare model din […]
Thankful for this collab. Click here to see the post.
Annema x Masked Singer Romania – PREMIERE TODAY 20:30 @ PRO TV
Award winning TV show “The Masked Singer” is finally here in Romania! Brought to you by PRO TV, this show is ready to entertain everyone with it’s unique format, keeping you puzzled, amazed and guessing, all at the same time. This is for music lovers, dance lovers, performance lovers and why not, fashion lovers. ANNEMA […]
ANNEMA X Julie Mayaya – Tina Turner TRIBUTE SHOW
It was the 1980s. Dance music and new wave were stepping in, leaving disco to dance-pop, while rock music continued to enjoy a wide audience. However, there was one female artist that showed the same genre fluidity characteristics as artists like Michael Jackson, David Bowie or Prince. Tina Turner owned the stage whether it was […]
2020 Trends through the eyes of JOVSKY STUDIO & ANNEMA – futureland
Since the beginning of fashion industries, the land of the future has always been seen as eccentric, daring and not afraid to flaunt its rebel ways. With that being so, every year we attend shows that give us a glimpse of the next “must have” season. This year, FUTURELAND gathered us to see the latest […]